Stichting Geef Om Elkaar

Dear daisy Dunnington, Mathilde Stein

€5,95 €5,00

Verwachte bezorgdatum is tussen 14 Februari en 16 Februari.

Mix & Match

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Poor Daisy Dunnington is her demanding mother's drudge. But then one day an unexpected letter drops on the doormat addressed to her. What can it be? Who can be writing to her? Perhaps it's from the queen's servant, explaining that she is really a princess, or is it from a movi e producer, inviting her to play the lead role in his next film? As Daisy dreams all the possible lives she could have, she makes up her mind. Without even opening the letter, she leaves in search of a more colo u rful future. Dear Daisy Dunnington is a bo ok full of imagination and hope. In beautiful illustrations, Chuck Groenink portrays the different exotic possibilities, each featuring another scenario. This downtrodden Cinderella decides to be her own fairy godmother after imagining the possibilities that life might have in store for her.

U ontvangt de bestelde boeken tegen een zeer scherp tarief en wij gebruiken de opbrengst om kinderen en gezinnen te steunen die in Nederland in armoede leven.

Zo maakt u niet alleen uw kind blij met een fantastische boekendeal maar ook een ander kind in Nederland.

Met uw bestelling geeft u een donatie aan Stichting Geef om Elkaar Nederland.


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€5,95 €5,00

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