Stichting Geef Om Elkaar

The Special Bear, Tjibbe Veldkamp

€5,95 €5,00

Verwachte bezorgdatum is tussen 02 april en 04 april. Wij verzenden de boeken binnen 2 werkdagen.

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There was so much to be seen while the bear was being made. He couldn't stop looking around, and so he ended up crooked. That's how he became a special bear. The stuffed animals from the factory were loaded into a lorry. The special bear hopped aboard. 'Hang on!' said the driver. 'You're no good. Nobody wants you.' He tossed the bear back into the container. 'But I'm a cuddly bear,' said the special bear. 'I'm sure I can become someone's cuddly toy.' He climbed out of the container and went looking for someone to belong to... The Special Bear is a story about being different, but very normal nevertheless. It's about friendship, love, and about belonging. You would wish everyone to have a special bear, and to have The Special Bear.

U ontvangt de bestelde boeken tegen een zeer scherp tarief en wij gebruiken de opbrengst om kinderen en gezinnen te steunen die in Nederland in armoede leven.

Zo maakt u niet alleen uw kind blij met een fantastische boekendeal maar ook een ander kind in Nederland.

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€5,95 €5,00

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